I'm not sure time is flying by so much as getting washed away with the Spring rains. Although there was that 1 hour lost a weekend or 2 ago that some of us are still reeling from.
Since the last post, life has been happening. MIL has safely flown home to the wintry wilds of Ontario, where they have been attacked by snowstorm after snowstorm. (You can read all about them in the blogs from
The Yarn Harlot and
And She Knits, Too.) I have been unofficially -- yet officially, somehow -- been made bead/jewelry department head and soon-to-be department manager at the Monroe Ben Franklin (an idea which is both exciting and terrifying at the same time).
Best of all, I've been finishing some projects in my dwindling spare time. Aside from web site stuff for clients (which has been taking chunk of time here and there), here are some photos of the more fun-to-share things.
First of all, we have jewelry!
These are some simple chain weaves. The one on the left is a helm chain in gunmetal, silver and copper. (Some also call it a wedding knot, among other things; I'm not sure propriety allows me to share one of my students' names for it after struggling for a couple of hours.) The gold one on the right is the necklace I made for my mother's wedding. (Still waiting for wedding photos, too.)

Here we have one of the simplest pairings I've done so far. This is the product of 4 cheap, stretchy bracelets we received at the store. I cut them apart and restrung them on heavier stretchy cord to make a choker and bracelet. Love these things! Customers love them, too, but we don't seem to have gotten any more in the latest shipment, much to the jealousy of many.

Also since the last post, I had the opportunity to take a class and make this ruffled bracelet. It's all seed beads in greens, ambers and coppers. Somewhat time consuming, but the result is cute, and I just love that button! I swear it's going to end up on costumes.

Here's another chainmail necklace featuring a pendant found in the depths of my manager's office when they were cleaning it out to prepare for expansion. She sent several treasures down and told us to go home with them. Oh, oh, twist my arm. *grin*

This is the piece of which I'm proudest -- the leaf and pearl necklace. I spent the better part of a day on this one, but it's one of my favorites. Freshwater pearls, copper sead beads and a moss agate carved leaf.
And now for the knitted items, mostly socks or sock-like.Finally! A photo of the No Tears-based sock, based on a pattern from Elizabeth Zimmerman. Lots of fun to make and wear.

Here are the gorgeously soft merino wool socks I had so much help with. The only thing is that the turquoise colored the bottom of my foot after the first day of wearing them. Time will tell.

Lastly, the Cortney legwarmers. Cortney is a fun, fantastic 18yo young woman I know from the barn. She is the vaulting team captain, a skilled vaulter and rider, a hard worker, but she has one of the hardest home lives to grow up having. She has become a stellar person despite her home surroundings, so I have a hard time not doing anything to help keep her cheerful and bright (not that she needs much of my help -- she has a deep well of happiness fed by horses, sunshine and her away-from-home surrogate mother, Andrea the barn owner). When she asked for legwarmers in a long list of bright pastels (to go with her new and very-80s tiger print spandex), I went on the hunt and found a closeout ombre from Knit Picks in a nylon-acrylic blend -- easy to wash and should be pretty durable. Not to mention, this is
such a
Knit Picks fan these days.

Well, that's it from la-la land these days. Is it too late to do New Year's Resolutions to get better about updating the blog?