So here we are, on a Friday. It's a quiet morning so far, belying the excitement, stress, panicking and sweat that will define the rest of the day.
Tomorrow hubby and I head to Faires & Berries, the Penumbra Fantasy Faire prelude. This will be my first time as a vendor, and yet I'll be around the faire performing for most of the day while my business partner Crystal ( sells both her own wares and mine in or double shopping space.
Panicked? Yes. Excited? Oh, heck yeah.
In the process of getting ready for this faire, I visited several garage sales and antique stores, looking for display objects -- something to drape jewelry over and around so that they're not just lying lifeless on a flat table. In one antique shop, they had a rather large pile of gallon freezer bags of jewelry for only $10 each. I was running out of the cash that I had set aside for the endeavor, but his was too good to pass up.
Several days later, I finally emptied the bag on the floor to see what I had found. It's funny the way old jewelry always smells the same -- just as recognizable as a used book store -- sort of dank and yet metallic. What did I find but a treasure of potential take-it-apart-and-make-something-new-and-cool ideas, as well as do-I-have-to-take-it-apart pieces. There were even several sterling silver pieces which were individually worth more than $10! Well, I wasn't able to get through all the ideas from that antique bag, but it was certainly a creative boost.
What's more, a couple of the "brass" goblets I picked up from a garage sale for 25 cents each also turned out to be silver!
I've also managed to steal a little bit of riding time in on both mares at the new barn. The outdoor arena is lovely and soft, and Dancer loves to GO-GO-GO in that footing (which makes it harder to rein her in for collection and bending), but Tempest was convinced the other day that there was a ghost behind one set of trees, so we just rode in the indoor arena after a good longe.
Will report back after the show with pics of the booth, etc.!
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